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Art Education & Community 

Through the Artist in Residence Program and selective partnerships TPHAF works to expose Fort Pierce to art education opportunities and additional community based art programs.

Art Class

Art Education

Artists in Residence

Residents are required to host one workshop per month open to the general public, to promote community and art exposure.  

Kids Workshops

An additional two workshops geared for children will be required during the three month residency.

Upcoming Programs

Additional programs and opportunities for art exposure will continue to be a staple of TPHAF cornerstone goals. More to come....

Art Program Partnerships

Historically, The Peacock House Art Foundation Inc has had the privilege of partnering with other art programs, both locally and abroad. From Main Street Fort Pierce's "Fish Fence" art project, to Galleria of Pierce Harbor's Art Wall Exhibit, TPHAF will continue to be an active and driving force in the Peacock Art District community. Working to help connect the local community to international art programs, events and artists, thus elevating the quality of art education in the area.

The Peacock House is also proud to be the home of The Lindsay School of the Arts (LSA), who's mission is to "provide high-quality art education programming to children of all ages, all backgrounds, and all financial situations, for free, forever"

Foundation Gallery

Bronze Sculptures - Pat Cochran

The Peacock Foundation New York Gallery 

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